For Kids and Youth

Bible Adventure Club and God Squad

Kids and youth are looking for identity, and regretfully many of them are attempting to find answers outside of the church. Woodlyn Baptist Church invites kids and youth grades 1st – 12th to join us Sunday evenings to learn who they are because of who Christ is! 

  • Children 1st through 5th grades will enjoy Bible Adventure Club!
  • Youth grades 6th – 12th will find meaningful relationships at God Squad.

Both groups will tackle similar topics appropriate to their age and parents will receive helpful info for family discussions. Dinner for children and youth will be served from 6-6:20 pm followed by games and a time in God’s Word. Activities conclude at 7:30 pm. Frequent group outings will also be announced as they are scheduled.

Remember, join us 6 pm to 7:30 pm each Sunday evening beginning September 10th at Woodlyn Baptist Church on MacDade Blvd and School Lane in Woodlyn, PA. For more information call 610-833-5577.

Other Children’s Ministries

Sunday Morning Childcare – Childcare is available for infants and children up to 3 years old during the morning worship service.

During the sermon, Children’s Church is available for children 4 years old through 5th grade.
More Information…

Vacation Bible Adventure – During the summer children from kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to join us for a week of fun activities, games, and learning from God’s Word all relating to a special theme! VBA will be July 13-17, 2025. Registration will begin in June.

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